
Policy 420: Metering

I. Objective:
Establish requirements for Meter Reading and Bill Payment.

II. Bill Payment:

A. Billing statements are sent to the customer once each month.

B. Customers without an automated meter reading device are required to provide a meter reading on the date specified. Readings not turned in to the Cooperative prior to the next billing will result in the next bill being estimated. Should the customer not provide a meter reading for two consecutive months, BREC personnel will read the meter and charge the customer for this service. BREC reserves the right to verify meter readings and make any corrections to records and to adjust the customer’s bill as necessary.

C. Customers who have electronic meter reading devices must recognize that any such device is subject to an occasional reporting failure. Although the meter is read electronically, it has a separate register which is independent of the reporting electronic register. If it becomes apparent that the usage/billing is not consistent with normal usage, the customer shall notify BREC about apparent inaccurate billing. The customer is still responsible for the amount of usage obtained via the mechanical reading displayed on the meter itself. However, the payment of unbilled use may be remitted in installments equal to the period of time the electric use occurred.

D. The monthly payment for electric service and all other charges to the customer are payable on or before the due date.

E. A 10% penalty will be charged on all monthly bills not paid on or before the due date.

F. Bill payments not received by BREC by the due date are considered delinquent and subject to disconnection of service as defined in Policy 490.

Approved by the Board of Trustees of Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc., January 28, 1991.

Effective: January 29, 1991
Revised: March 01, 1993
Policy No. 420 – continued

Amended: March 22, 1993
Revised: June 20, 1994
Revised: August 22, 1996 (Formerly Policy No. 600 and 604)
Revised: May 22, 2000
Revised: February 26, 2001 (Formerly Policy No. 600)
Revised and Approved: October 28, 2002
Reviewed: December 7, 2004
Revised and Approved: October 30, 2006
Revised and Approved: July 28, 2008
Reviewed and Approved: August 29, 2011