Load Management
There is not an inexhaustible supply of energy. Stewardship and conservation of our energy resources, including electric power, can help ensure that current and future demand can be met.
Buckeye REC is part of a cooperative power generation system (Buckeye Power), from where wholesale electricity is purchased to be distributed and sold at retail rates to co-op members. Peak demand occurs when everyone is using large amounts of electricity at the same time. Higher peak demand increases wholesale power costs.
Load management is an important conservation tool, and it can be used to avoid peak demand penalties, thereby helping keep rates stable for members of Buckeye REC.
Load management takes two forms. System-wide, Buckeye REC monitors, maintains, and upgrades its electric distribution between substations and transformers. The co-op’s on-going construction work plan aims to upgrade conductor material and size, install devices to maintain voltage levels, and improve substation capacity and operation.
Buckeye REC members can also help with load management by participating in the co-op’s programs to control peak demand. The Dual Fuel Program offers a rebate on the cost of installation of an electric heat pump/fossil fuel furnace system.”
Buckeye REC’s Energy Services page (click here) on this website contains information about conservation and load control programs.
Peak Alerts
During periods of extreme low or high temperatures, Buckeye REC might issue Peak Alert Warnings via local radio stations. A peak alert situation means the possibility exists due to high energy demand for the co-op’s electric provider to set a peak of record. High demand during critical temperature periods can tax the generation, transmission, and distribution system. To meet demand, the co-op’s wholesale supplier might have to go on the open market to purchase power. This can be very expensive and result in all Buckeye REC members paying a demand penalty on their monthly bills.
On January 3, 2018, Buckeye REC set a peak of record coincidental with a demand peak recorded by its transmission supplier. This added over $1.3 million to the cost of wholesale power.
When you hear the broadcast of a Peak Alert Warning, please take steps to reduce your energy consumption by turning off unnecessary lighting, adjusting your thermostat, or refraining from types of energy intensive practices until the alert period has passed. Follow instructions associated with the Peak Alert Warning broadcasts to help control the amount of electricity being used on the Buckeye REC system. This will save all co-op members money in the long run.